
floppa ballz #HowlGG

Rust hours: 542



Ban Data

Date Days ago Text SteamID Steam Twitter
15th January 2022 979 floppa ballz #.. was banned https://t.co/srPhkw3r71 SteamID Steam Twitter

EAC Banned Friends

Checked 15 current friends. 3 have EAC bans

Current friend bans

Icon Current Name SteamID64 Days Ago Hours % in Rust RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon goblin 76561198879144769 1,574 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon the big bear 76561198999427461 758 3,790 %62 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Xorah 76561199084390933 1,255 1,076 %60 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter