
Dewey syndrome#Austism

Rust hours: 1,914

76561198843651724 / 97546246885


Ban Data

Date Days ago Text SteamID Steam Twitter
15th December 2021 1010 Dewey syndrome.. was banned https://t.co/PPkZG8MiTq SteamID Steam Twitter

EAC Banned Friends

Checked 9 current friends. 4 have EAC bans ,2 past friend has EAC bans

Current friend bans

Icon Current Name SteamID64 Days Ago Hours % in Rust RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon xxx 76561198860874510 890 2,765 %63 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon NIGGA WITH AN AWP 76561198880420625 627 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon beepboop 76561199036341364 894 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Salocin 76561199223158755 894 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter