
The Shield that Slays

Rust hours: 265



Ban Data

Date Days ago Text SteamID Steam Twitter
18th March 2018 2378 "KERMIT E FROG" was banned - https://t.co/Z0Ubx6bqCX SteamID Steam Twitter

EAC Banned Friends

Checked 58 current friends. 2 have EAC bans ,2 past friend has EAC bans

Current friend bans

Icon Current Name SteamID64 Days Ago Hours % in Rust RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon MoistKeyboard 76561198271984735 2,037 1,244 %26 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Livin Like Larry 76561198331351211 1,013 1,008 %32 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter