Ban Data

Date Days ago Text SteamID Steam Twitter
21st February 2018 2403 "læbbelone" was banned - SteamID Steam Twitter

EAC Banned Friends

Checked 107 current friends. 5 have EAC bans ,2 past friend has EAC bans

Current friend bans

Icon Current Name SteamID64 Days Ago Hours % in Rust RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Døjer The Destroyer 76561198094375519 2,418 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Poelseben 76561198188201231 2,398 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon 76561198299452808 76561198299452808 2,715 1,552 %58 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Isreal is life 76561198345208918 2,422 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter
icon Peter larsen 76561198381783898 2,194 RustBanned SteamID Steam Twitter